Samuel Crerar
Being a part of what God is doing in and through Youth for Christ is something that really excites Sam. Having been connected and influenced by the ministry of Youth for Christ since the beginning of high school, Sam has seen the ways in which God has used the ministry for spreading the love of Christ and communicating the gospel to His glory. Sam has had a lot of experience working with youth through his internships and volunteer opportunities at his church in Stratford since he was in his later years in high school. He has also led week-long youth programs at his family camp, which has stretched him and taught him a lot about ministering to teenagers. Sam is beginning his Master of Divinity at Heritage Theological Seminary this Fall after finishing his Bachelor of Theology at Heritage this past Summer. He has enjoyed studying the Bible, participating in campus ministry, and getting to grow as a Christ-follower. Sam also loves literature, playing instruments, and on occasion, painting. He looks forward to how God will use his interests in ministry.