Laurel Jones (Tour For Teens 2024)

Raised $0 0% Goal $1,500

This is my first year riding in Tour for Teens! Let me first start by saying I am not a cyclist, however, I will be riding 50km to raise support for the work that I do here in Woodstock! Will I be able to walk the next day? Probably not! But in all seriousness, helping youth reach their full potential and find hope is worth it.

This year YFC Woodstock is seeing significant growth, and we will be opening a youth centre! We want to create a safe place for youth to go in the city of Woodstock. Somewhere to hang out with friends, find community and support, do homework or play video games, develop their artistic abilities, learn new life skills, and challenge themselves to grow. We want to be as accessible as possible so youth always have somewhere to go when they need it. The more support we receive the more programs we will be able to run throughout the week.

This ride will be a challenge for me, but sometimes we need to step out of our comfort zones so we can see the amazing new opportunities! Together we can help the next generation find hope! Would you partner with me in reaching this goal?

If you would like to ride as a part of my team, please contact me at