Kyle Rolph

Kyle Rolph has over 30 years of experience working with children and youth in a variety of venues. Nearly 20 of those years right here in St. Thomas and Elgin County. Kyle joined the Elgin County YFC/Youth Unlimited team in May of 2012. Kyle oversees the weekly youth group, is involved with several students in St. Thomas schools as a mentor and coach, and runs The Upper Room. The Upper Room is an emergency youth shelter open on an on-call, emergency basis to give young people in need of a safe, warm place to crash, somewhere to go for the night. Kyle also provides trusteeship support to several local youth at any given time. Kyle is trained in ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training), safeTALK, ASK (Assessing for Suicide in Kids),  Mental Health First Aid, and Crisis Prevention and Intervention. He also holds a Certificate in Leadership Training from the University of Waterloo, a Bachelor’s Degree from, what is now, Heritage College in Cambridge ON, and a Master’s Degree from Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Indiana. Kyle is a certified safeTALK  and ASK Workshop trainer and is excited to see the impact that both of these workshops are having in the community. He resides in St. Thomas ON with his beautiful wife and two lovely daughters and his son and daughter-in-law close by.

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