Donation Policy

Southwestern Ontario Youth for Christ is a registered charity funded through the generosity of individuals, churches, businesses, corporations, service clubs, and foundations.  Eligible donations are receipted for income tax purposes annually by February of the following year.

Charity Registration Number: 895569044 RR0001

Spending of funds is confined to Board-approved programs and purchases. Each gift designated toward an approved program will be used as designated with the understanding that when any given need has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason, designated gifts will be used within the local satellite where needed most.

According to Canada Revenue Agency rules, a registered charity cannot return a donation. A gift transfers ownership of the money or other gifted property from the donor to the charity. Once the transfer is made, the charity is obliged to use the gift in carrying out its charitable purposes.

Ways to Donate

Donations can be designated to the Southwestern Ontario YFC chapter, a specific satellite, or directed toward the fundraising efforts of an individual missionary.  Donations can be made in the following ways:

Online (by Credit Card)

Go to or the website of the YFC satellite you wish to give to. Click on the red Donate link in the menu to make a secure, online credit card donation, either recurring or one time. For recurring donations, you will be prompted to create an account. Future changes can be made by returning to the same site and logging in.

By Mail (by Cheque or Credit Card)

Cheques or credit card information can be mailed to:

Southwestern Ontario YFC, 94 Graham St., Suite 4, Woodstock, ON N4S 6J7

Please make your cheque payable to “Southwestern Ontario Youth for Christ” or “SWOYFC” and enclose a note indicating the designation of your donation.

Pre-Authorized Payment Plan (by Bank or Credit Card)

Automatic monthly donations can be made through your chequing account or credit card, either online or by mail.  This is our most cost-effective method.

  • If donating by cheque, please provide a “void” cheque with an accompanying note stating the amount and designation of your monthly donation.
  • If donating by credit card, this can be done online (see above) or by providing your credit card information (card type and number, expiration date, and signature of cardholder) to your office, along with the amount and designation of your monthly donation.

If you would like further information about ways to donate, please contact the Southwestern Ontario YFC Administrative Office at or (519) 537-5219.